The Power of Looking Back: How to Measure Progress on Your Own Terms

As the year winds down, I’ve started my favorite ritual: planning for the next 12 months. But before I dive into the future, I take time to reflect on the past year. This annual review isn’t just about numbers or outcomes—it’s about identifying my wins, understanding lessons learned, and charting the key decisions for the road ahead.

One challenge I’ve often faced during this process is recognizing my wins. It’s so easy to compare my progress to others’ and feel like I’ve fallen short. But a quote from The Gap and The Gain by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan has helped shift my perspective:

“You have to be the one who defines success for yourself. You determine what a ‘successful day’ looks like for you. Change your reference point to be internal, where you measure your own progress.”

This insight reminds me to evaluate my growth based on where I started—not where others are. When I reflect through that lens, I see how far I’ve come. Over the past year, I’ve gained clarity and confidence in running my solo-entrepreneur business. Problems that seemed insurmountable last year now have clear solutions. These gains may not be flashy or Instagram-worthy, but they represent real, meaningful progress.

Reframing success this way fills me with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose as I step into the next phase of planning: looking ahead. I’ll share more about that process in upcoming posts, so stay tuned!




It’s OK to Walk: A Lesson in Slowing Down